5 Benefits of Vitamin D That You Should Know

If you're looking for ways to improve your wellness, consider incorporating Vitamin D into your daily routine! This vitamin has numerous benefits that can help you lead a healthier life. 

People tell us about Vitamin D's well-known positive impacts on the health of our teeth and bones, but it doesn't stop there. There are still different advantages to taking Vitamin D a.k.a. the sunshine vitamin, that you have to know about.

There is more to Vitamin D than what meets the eye. In fact, there are a lot of hidden benefits to this essential nutrient that may surprise you - from helping you avoid certain diseases to improving your heart health. The list below will give you a glimpse of what this vitamin can do for your body.

  1. Help Control Diabetes
    Have a sweet tooth? Maybe taking Vitamin D can help you cave into your cravings! ¹Growing evidence suggests that Vitamin D may play a role in diabetes prevention.That is because Vitamin D can help regulate insulin levels. Vitamin D supplementation may also help people with type 2 diabetes lower their blood sugar levels. This particular supplement works significantly well with people who have regular weight. (Vitamin D: A Possible Ally in the Fight Against Diabetes, 2018)
    So, how exactly does Vitamin D help reduce your risk of diabetes? Vitamin D reduces inflammation, which is a factor in the progression of insulin resistance. Insulin resistance happens when cells in your fat and liver fail to respond to insulin. After this, you may find it harder to use sugar for energy.
  2. Helps in Managing Arthritis 
    Everyone is aware of how painful arthritis can be. You've either experienced it first hand or seen the symptoms in your loved ones. The simple act of going up and down the stairs could become a struggle. If you have just been diagnosed with arthritis or starting to notice its symptoms, you can take Vitamin D to help you manage the condition. 
    ²Studies have shown that Vitamin D can help alleviate pain and swelling caused by arthritis. If you have arthritis, you may request your doctor to recommend Vitamin D supplements. Along with your usual joint medicines, this can help you with your painful symptoms. (Herrera & Biggers, n.d.)
  3. Helps Prevent Autoimmune diseases
    It's unfortunate that your body, which is supposed to protect you, is the one attacking you. That is the case with autoimmune disorders. ³While there is no single explanation, experts believe Vitamin D may aid immune system regulation. Vitamin D prevents other cells in the body from attacking healthy cells. If you are Vitamin D deficient, your immune system may be out of balance, attacking healthy tissues instead of bacteria and viruses. (Kubala & Sampson, n.d.)
    Multiple sclerosis and lupus are two of the most common autoimmune disorders. Multiple sclerosis happens when your immune system attacks your brain and nerves by mistake. Lupus, on the other hand, attacks other organs but primarily affects the kidney.
  4. Helps Protect From Heart Disease
    Studies have also shown that Vitamin D, specifically cholecalciferol D3, can help repair damage to the heart and blood vessels caused by high blood pressure.?According to studies, taking Vitamin D reduces the risk for stroke and heart attack. (New Heart Benefits of Vitamin D, 2018)
    You might wonder how an organ that helps improve bone health can benefit the heart? Vitamin D does this by protecting the linings of blood vessel walls. Vitamin D ensures there is no swelling or inflammation in the blood vessels. In turn, this helps the blood flow easily through our blood vessels. 
  5. Helps Slow Down Cancer 
    Lessen your risk of cancer. You can complement your healthy eating habits and active lifestyle with Vitamin D. Although it does not necessarily cure or eliminate cancer, it can help you significantly delay the progression of 
    the disease. Vitamin D helps in promoting healthy cell growth. It also helps the body inhibit cancer cells from growing fast.  ?According to research, people who live in areas with high sunlight exposure have a lower incidence and death rate for certain cancers. (Doheny, 2008)


Experience These Amazing Benefits!

Did the benefits listed above persuade you to go for a walk under the sun? We know you are excited to reap the benefits of Vitamin D. Remember that going outside helps you get Vitamin D, but it may not be enough. Plus, too much exposure to sunlight can prematurely age the skin, burn your skin, and raise your risk for skin cancer. Thus, your doctor may recommend the intake of  Vitamin D supplements to meet your daily needs.

Pharex® D-Vit 800 is a very powerful fat-soluble nutrient that can help boost your body’s defense against various illnesses. It can also help improve calcium absorption and regulate bone growth. Moreover, it helps you prevent aggravating chronic diseases like cardiovascular, diabetes, and cholestatic liver problems.

With Pharex® D-Vit 800, you can be on your way to better health, as this supplement contains 800 IU of all-important Vitamin D3 or Cholecalciferol! Jumpstart your health today with Pharex D-Vit 800.

Take Pharex® D-Vit 800 daily after eating a meal. This supplement can be taken with or without food.

If symptoms persist consult a doctor. 

1Vitamin D: A possible ally in the fight against diabetes. (2018, October 2). McMaster Optimal Aging Portal. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.mcmasteroptimalaging.org/blog/detail/blog/2018/10/02/vitamin-d-a-possible-ally-in-the-fight-against-diabetes
2Herrera, A., & Biggers, A. (n.d.). Here Comes the Sun: Vitamin D and Arthritis. Healthline. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.healthline.com/health/arthritis-vitamin-d
3Kubala, J., & Sampson, S. (n.d.). Vitamin D: Benefits, deficiency, sources, and dosage. Medical News Today. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/161618#role-of-vitamin-d
4New Heart Benefits of Vitamin D. (2018, July 2). Cleveland HeartLab. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.clevelandheartlab.com/blog/new-heart-benefits-of-vitamin-d/
5Doheny, K. (2008, January 7). Sunlight: Good for Bad for Cancer Risk? WebMD. Retrieved October 3, 2022, from https://www.webmd.com/melanoma-skin-cancer/news/20080107/sunlight-good-bad-cancer-risk

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