5 Healthy Ways to Get More Fiber in Your Body

Health experts have long highlighted the value of adding fiber into your daily diet, thanks to lots of research positively linking it to improved health benefits. 

Unfortunately, even with growing recommendations, some people may not be able to get adequate amount of fiber each day, especially from the food they eat. 

With this in mind, continue reading this guide to learn more ways to get your daily dose of fiber. Plus, learn how Glucopro® high dietary fiber powder may just help you achieve this goal. 


Health Benefits of Fiber

There are two types of fiber, both of which are linked to certain benefits. They are:

  • Soluble fiber: As its name suggests, soluble fiber is able to disintegrate into water. As a result, it forms into a gel-like substance.
  • Insoluble fiber: On the other hand, insoluble fiber holds onto water, assists with stool formation, and aids with quicker passage of food through the intestines. This is why this type of fiber is also called “roughage.”

Overall though, fiber can be beneficial for your health as it may help:

  • Regulate bowel movements
  • Promote slower passage of food from the stomach to the intestine
  • Lessen risk for constipation
  • Control weight
  • Manage blood sugar levels


How Much Fiber Do You Need?

Before you learn about techniques that can help you get more fiber, it’s crucial to know how much of it you really need. 

According to recommendations provided by the Philippines’ Department of Science and Technology (DOST) in its Philippine Dietary References Intake (PDRI) tables, adults ages 19 to 70 years old are recommended to have at least 20 to 25 grams of dietary fiber daily. As for kids, their fiber intake requirements vary per age - best to consult with a pediatrician.

However, do take note that these values for daily recommended intake can differ depending on your current health status or condition. For a more thorough assessment, talk to a doctor who can help determine if you need to add more fiber into your regular diet. 


Boost Your Fiber Intake With These Ways

When it comes to getting more fiber, start looking into what you eat. You may not know it just yet, but there are other high-fiber options you can tap into to raise your body’s levels of this nutrient and boost your health:

  1. Go for whole grains: White rice and white bread are staples for a lot of Filipino homes. However, there are drawbacks linked to these particular choices.
    For instance, white rice is considered a refined grain. It undergoes a milling process that removes certain parts of the grain, and at the same time, potential nutrients. Meanwhile, white bread is often made with refined flours. Additionally, white bread contains additives while lacking nutrients.
    If you want to boost fiber intake, consider swapping white rice for options like brown, red, black, or wild rice, quinoa, couscous, or cauliflower rice. As for white bread, consider trying whole wheat, rye, or sourdough bread instead.
  2. Stock up on healthy snacks: The urge to munch on something delicious is inevitable on most (if not all) days, so why not make it a win-win situation? One subtle way to incorporate more fiber into your daily diet is to munch on healthy options that contain this nutrient. Good examples include roasted chickpeas, edamame, almonds, granola bars, and trail mix.
  3. Have some of your favorite fruits: There are a lot of nutrients that can be found in fruits, and fiber is one of them. If increasing your daily fiber intake is your goal, consider pears, strawberries, avocados, apples, or bananas.
    Whether you have them on their own as a snack, blended as a smoothie or juice, or paired with yogurt or oatmeal, you won’t regret it.
  4.  Add more veggies: Just like fruits, vegetables are great sources of fiber and are a must if you want to get more of this nutrient. Good options include carrots, broccoli, artichoke, kale, spinach, sweet potato, and pumpkin.
  5. Consider fiber supplements: You can also ask your doctor about taking a high-quality fiber supplement, alongside a proper and balanced diet and exercise. One fiber supplement to consider is Glucopro® with a dietary fiber called resistant maltodextrin. It is known to resist absorption and digestion of food in the upper gastrointestinal tract. As such, digestion resistant maltodextrin a potentially good addition to your health arsenal.

Glucopro® high dietary powder drink may also help with improving satiety, reducing constipation risk, developing better glucose tolerance and insulin response, and promoting better weight management. Best of all, this water-soluble, non-gelling, and sugar-free dietary fiber supplement comes in a tasty wintermelon tea flavor.


How to Use Glucopro® to Your Advantage

Always remember that fiber supplements should not be a substitute for a balanced and fiber-rich diet. Instead, think of it as a helping hand that may help you get more of this nutrient and aid in boosting health. Don’t forget to consult your doctor before taking any fiber supplements like Glucopro® too. 
To take Glucopro®, dissolve one (1) sachet in a glass of 250 mL water (ideally not hot) and have the fiber drink with each meal. Once opened, consume contents immediately. 
Glucopro® is available in leading drugstores nationwide, and soon on Lazada and Shopee.

If symptoms persist, consult your doctor.


ASC Reference Code : P0015N101223G

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