6 Symptoms of Fatty Liver

You may not often think about your liver, but it is a vital part of your body's digestive system. The liver absorbs the nutrients from the food we eat. It filters toxins and fat from all the food and medicines you consume. Moreover, the liver creates bile to dissolve the fat that we eat. Lastly, it produces proteins that are important for blood clotting. 

Of all the organs, the liver is the only one that can regenerate after being injured. Even when up to 90% of the liver tissue is removed, it can still return to its initial size. However, if you abuse the liver with poor lifestyle choices, the liver’s capacity to heal or regenerate can diminish. Fat may even start building up inside your liver. 

In order to keep the liver healthy and working, the amount of fat inside your liver shouldn't be more than 5% to 10% of its weight. Do you drink alcohol frequently? Or do you rarely drink but frequently consume oily meals? Frequent consumption of unhealthy meals increases your chances of developing a fatty liver. The excessive production of fat by the liver leads to steatosis, also referred to as fatty liver disease. If neglected, this condition could worsen and eventually lead to cirrhosis and fibrosis.

When the body can't get rid of too many toxins and fats, the following signs and symptoms could appear:

  1. Fatigue
    One typical sign of fatty liver disease is feeling extremely exhausted. Many individuals with severe liver disease experience extreme fatigue and low energy. 
    The reason for the drop in energy may be due to the body's metabolism slowing down. Metabolism refers to the process by which your body converts food into energy. In the liver, the liver cells are in charge of producing energy. This process is obstructed with fatty liver.
  2. Abdominal swelling (ascites) 
    Why do ascites occur? Ascites occur when there is an excessive buildup of bile fluid in your abdomen and peritoneum (the tissue layer surrounding the stomach, colon, liver, and kidneys). 
    Even though it can seem harmless, ascites can have potentially fatal side effects such as infection, renal failure, and pleural effusion. Large amounts of fluid can also make breathing hard because they compress the lower lungs and press against the rib cage.
  3. Enlarged Blood Vessels
    When there is fat in the liver, the liver cannot metabolize the circulating estrogens, which could result in the formation of spider nevi or enlarged blood vessels.
    The thin, reddish vessels have a shape that resembles a cobweb. They become enlarged because of blood flowing back. When you apply pressure, it will vanish and resurface when you release your hand. Although they can appear everywhere on the body, spider nevi of people with fatty liver most frequently appear on the abdomen. It may turn red when touched. Some people may feel aching or burning in the vicinity of the vessel cluster. 
  4. Yellowing of the skin and eyes (jaundice)
    An issue with the liver, gallbladder, or pancreas is frequently indicated by jaundice. When the body accumulates too much bilirubin, jaundice can develop. This happens when there are too many red blood cells dying or decomposing (hemolysis) and flowing to the liver. 
    The regular breakdown of red blood cells creates bilirubin, a yellowish pigment responsible for the color of your feces.  After passing through the liver, bilirubin is eventually eliminated from the body. 
  5. Nausea and GERD (Gastro-Estrophageal Reflux Disease) 
    People who suffer from diseases like cirrhosis or fatty liver also suffer from GERD. 2021 study shows that 83% of those with liver cirrhosis also had GERD. This digestive fluid goes back into your stomach and, in certain circumstances, the esophagus. 
    Consequently, frequent refluxes might make you feel like vomiting. Because of the excess bile in your system, you can encounter symptoms resembling intoxication. As your liver's capacity to remove toxins declines, your digestive discomfort intensifies. Continuous nausea is a response to the body's excess waste products, and unexplained vomiting is frequently associated with liver problems.
  6. Bruising and Bleeding 
    Due to its involvement in primary and secondary hemostasis (the process that causes a blood vessel to stop bleeding), the liver is crucial to blood coagulation. You may bruise and bleed more frequently than usual if your liver is compromised because it does not create enough clotting enzymes. 
    In the worst scenario, if the bleeding does not stop immediately, a person may fall into shock or pass out. Even after the bleeding has stopped, life-threatening consequences like pneumonia, sepsis, and organ failure are still possible.


What to do when you suspect that you have fatty liver? 

Fatty liver may sometimes appear to be asymptomatic however if you experience one or more of the symptoms mentioned above, a diagnosis from a physician is the best way to confirm whether or not you have a fatty liver. To diagnose fatty liver, your doctor will ask about your medical history, conduct a physical exam, and order one or more tests.

If your doctor suspects that you might have fatty liver, expect to be asked questions about:

  • Family medical history, including any history of liver problems
  • Daily diet and alcohol consumption
  • Existing medical conditions
  • Current medications

Lifestyle changes can frequently aid in reversing the stages of fatty liver disease. For instance, your doctor might suggest that you limit or abstain from alcohol, take action to reduce weight, make dietary modifications and forgo liver-demanding drugs. Your doctor may also prescribe supplements such as Livantro for the liver. 

Livantro contains a natural liver care formula that works synergistically to maximize efficacy. Some of Livantro's ingredients that benefit the liver include the ones listed below:

  • Antrodia cinnamomea – helps provide significant protection in chronic liver injury, helps regenerate liver cells, reduces alcohol and chemical damage, and protects against liver diseases such as hepatitis infection, cirrhosis, and liver cancer.
  • Green tea extract – helps reduce fatty liver and oxidative damage; inhibits sugar and fat absorption.
  • Clam extract –  helps enhance liver function by providing nutrients to the liver and helps repair damaged liver cells.
  • Taurine – helps improve liver injury index.

Take 1 capsule daily, with or without food, or as prescribed. Livantro is priced at PHP 40 SRP per capsule and is also available in box of 60s at P2,400.

If symptoms persist consult a doctor.

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